Finally, some good news. Yesterday my Papa got down graded from the CCU to telemetry. His NG tube has been removed and he hasn't had any vomiting since then. He has had two flu swabs done, the first one being positive and the second was negative so as far as I know they are still treating him with flu precautions. He was able to get up out of bed with a one person assist, which is far better than the four person assist he needed when he came into the ER on Monday. Things are looking up for him.
More good news.. I managed to get a 96 on last weeks statistics test, making up for the 73 I got a few weeks ago.
Yesterday I was also able to convince my Nana into coming down to the ER to be checked out to make sure she didn't have the start of a pneumonia or the flu, since she has also been sick for the last couple of weeks. I know she wasn't happy with me for making her do so. And although she'll never admit it, I'm pretty sure she was damning me to hell. But I worry. So if she wants to be mad at me for caring so much, I'm okay with that. All of her test results came back fine. My family and I are finally starting to let out that sigh of relief, and at the same time I'm sure we're all still holding our breath and wondering if or when something else is going to go wrong.
Dual Polarity Power Supply
3 months ago