Here we go again with these "self care deficit r/t nursing school
m/b busy days, lots of studying, lack of sleep, and
not enough coffee in the world" kinds of days.
Yesterday was the first day of second semester and I'm already completely drained. There's already sooo much that needs to be done and I feel so unorganized. I probably won't develop a system until at least next week. So for now I have scribbles in note books and memos plastered everywhere of things I need to remember to do.

I suppose it's not a good sign either that in one reminder I listed coffee four times. It'll most likely be the only thing that gets me through the next 15 weeks!
On the work side of things.. I had quite the moment on Monday. We received a patient via ambulance. I normally try to get in the room right away so I can assist EMS with getting the patient settled into our stretcher. As I was standing there, the EMT looks at me and says, "You look really familiar." So we played the whole 'where are you from' game. Despite our efforts we couldn't figure it out. About five minutes later, on his way out of the ER, he poked his head into the room and said, "I got it. WAAF." I felt my face turn ten shades of red as I doubled over laughing. Back in November of 2005 I had gone to WAAF and tried out for Miss Mantown 2006.
Because I had more class than all of the other girls who tried out, by keeping my pictures tasteful, I never ended up winning. The pictures were still posted on the website for a while though. I could not believe that someone actually recognized me, six and a half years later. I figured it has to be one of three things: a) He has a super photographic memory. b) The photos are still posted online in some archive that I'm not aware of. c) He has them saved on his computer. Whatever the case may be, I guess you could say I'm a little flattered.
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