Sunday, January 1, 2012

Don't set yourself up for failure.

Here we are again. The first day of a brand new year. All people have talked about is what their new year's resolution is going to be.  However, I am still undecided.  I never even made one last year. I do think they are kind of pointless.  Most people don't even try or they just fall back into their old habits.  So what's the point?? I have enough goals in my life right now that will keep me occupied for quite some time.  I know I could say that I will eat better this year but let's be honest.. I work full time and I'm a nursing student.  If it's not coffee then it's not in my diet.  I could always quit smoking, but I know I need to tackle that one when I'm absolutely good and ready to kick the habit because I want to be successful with it.  I could start working out... oh wait.. I work in an ER where I'm constantly running around and I'm a nursing student with 40 pounds of books to carry.
Reaching a goal can be stressful.  Is that really the way to start a new year??  Why not try to eliminate the stress from your life?? That sounds like a good one to me.  I think I may have just come up with a new year's resolution.  I'm not going to let people get under my skin.  It's always been the stupidity, laziness, and rudeness of people that I can't stand.  They piss me off.  One would think that all the deaths I've been surrounded by over the last two years would have me stressed out.  But they don't.  It makes no sense if you really think about it... I have to be surrounded by idiots all over the place every day and I can't stand it.  And oddly enough, I rarely cried when the people who I care about most had passed away.  I was strangely at peace with the fact that I will never see those people again.  How weird am I?? So that's what I'm going to do... I'm going to let go of the stress that stupid people cast upon me so that I may have the energy to show emotion to the people I care about.

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