I'm on vacation! Not that I have anywhere exciting to go or anything special to do. I put in for vacation thinking that I would be working bike week again this year, until I signed up for summer classes. Knowing how important it is that I hurry up and finish school, I decided to skip out on bike week after my vacation had already been approved. I tried to take it back but the nurse who does the schedule wouldn't let me. She told me that I work really hard and now with the added stress of school I need to atleast use this as a mental health week. I suppose she is right. I'm just not sure what to do with myself. I can only study for so long before I start to go crazy. And since it IS bike week the weather has been rainy and crappy so I can't even go to the beach and relax. Today I get to pick my brother up from work in an hour and then take him with me to go visit our grandparents. Then when I drop him off at home I have to bring one of my mom's dogs to the groomer and pick him up when he's ready. Then I get to come back home and do some laundry and cleaning... then some more studying. Something tells me that this vacation is going to be a waste of earned time.