One month into the new year, two weeks into a new semester, and yet some things never seem to change. We ended last year with the passing of my Aunt Sheila. Now, we haven't even completed the first month of the new year and we have 2 deaths in 1 week. On Saturday, Uncle Freddie passed away and has join Aunt Tricia up above. Yesterday I got a voice mail from my mom letting me know that Aunt Marie (who I posted about back in April of last year) had passed away around 9:30 in the morning. With that news, I became angry with myself. I could have and should have visited her more than the couple times that I did over the summer. But I didn't. I didn't visit her more often because I was selfish. She looked awful and it upset me to see her like that. And now that she's gone I can't help but think "What did Aunt Marie do all day when Nana and Papa weren't visiting her?" I'm guessing she would just lay there, bedridden, looking out the window and wondering when God was going to bring her home. I saw how much her face lit up when I visited her the very first time, and yet I stopped going because I cared about my feelings more than I cared about how lonely she is and how much she must be suffering. I am a terrible person. All I can do now is pray that all of these lost loved ones of mine can forgive me for not being there for them when they may have needed me the most.