Many people have asked about what's going on or what has happened in my personal life the last six months. Yes, I was homeless for 2 months (the details of what led up to this will remain personal). In the mean time, the roommate he brought in, to replace me, turned out to be a heroin addict and stole $4,000 worth of my stuff and pawned it for $120. This kid stole all my Louis Vuitton bags (including my $1,500 white Louis), most of my Coach bags/wallets, a Dooney & Bourke bag/wallet, my gold jewelry, and a set of rims. Don't ever fuck with a girl and her handbags. Found them at a pawn shop in Nashua and reported it to the officer in Pelham who then contacted Nashua PD to go and retrieve my stuff for evidence and a copy of the receipt that Glenn got when he pawned everything. Long story short, this kid now has a class A felony theft warrant to go with the 12 other existing warrants in MA. Now we just need to wait for him to screw up so they can arrest him. With the class A felony theft warrant he can be caught anywhere in New England and be extradited back to NH. So, if anyone knows him and/or might know where he is, please let your local PD know where they can happily pick his ass up:

Glenn was supposed to pay half of the rent while he was there and he never did, so Tony fell a total of $1,000 behind on rent and on the verge of being kicked out with my dogs still living there. Again, long story short, I'm living back at the apartment and using the spare bedroom. I'm not entirely sure what direction we're going but things have been civil despite all the feelings of bitterness and anger I still hang onto. However, I refuse to do another semester of nursing school while living in a car.
Speaking of school, I can't believe there's only 2 weeks left until it starts up again. This summer has reminded what having fun is actually like. I've stayed out all night and slept all day. This summer I made some new friends, spent time with old friends, and filtered out negative friends.
It's been fun and I don't want it to end, but I'm ready to move forward and finish school. I'm going to do great things with my life.