Another day is almost over and I'm another year older. The entire week leading up to today has sucked ass, kind of like the last eleven months of my life. Papa was admitted to the hospital again last week. After ten years of hard work, I quit my job. Walking out of that place with my head held high and my personal integrity seemed like the better road to take. Meanwhile, Tony knew about all of this going on in my life, and he found that it was an appropriate time to ask me how I'd feel if he started dating someone. Personally, I don't care at this point considering it's the same reason why everything fell apart back in January. I just didn't want to hear about it at this point in time because it's just one more shitty thought that's going to bounce around in my head for hours upon hours, sinking me deeper and deeper into this sea of depression that I'm struggling to get myself out of lately. And of course I spent my birthday at clinical again this year while mother nature switched it up a little bit and brought me some snow. Oh yeah, and I'm basically getting kicked out again, only this time Tony was nice enough to give me a warning. He can't afford this place so he's going to find somewhere smaller and cheaper to live after the semester is over. I sure as hell can't afford this place on my own, so now I'm screwed. Once the semester is over I will have to hunt for a job while I look for a roof to put over my head with no money. Awesome, just where I wanted to be in life at 28 years old.. sitting alone in this cold, quiet apartment with nothing left to hold on to.