I can't believe that I am graduating. I did it.. I survived the trials and triumphs of nursing school while my entire life was falling apart. I look back on it now and I find humor in the irony of doing my psych clinical rotation at the same time all the personal BS in my life began. I like to think that it was therapeutic for me and maybe I wouldn't have survived my shit show of a life if I hadn't been in nursing school.. maybe I would've downed my two bottles of freshly refilled medication on one of those many lonely nights that I sat in my car and contemplated doing it. Somehow I found it in me to keep on going. To wake up and try to survive all over again until nightfall when I would sit in my car face to face with such an easy way out. I know people were watching and waiting for me to fail. And I know that some people are bitter that I didn't fall flat on my face. And graduating with honors is just icing on the cake.
Dual Polarity Power Supply
3 months ago