So, classes on Tuesday got canceled. It was truly a blessing since I was not at all ready for that histology quiz. But now my teacher is going to have to cram six hours of class, into the usual three hour block of time. I figure she will either do it today or next Tuesday. I don't see her as being the type to just scratch what we were suppsed to do on Tuesday. And I know for damn sure she won't let us just scratch the histology quiz! But maybe I'll get lucky again and she'll push the histology quiz to next Tuesday so it doesn't interfere with our lecture time today. I just can't seem to find the energy to study this morning. Which is strange, considering I slept for about twelve hours. I'm still so, so tired! Between school frying my brain and work physically exhausting me, I don't know which is worse. I can barely function these days! I'm thinking that the problem is work. When school started, I was doing okay. I was able to manage. But back then, the ER wasn't the disaster that it is now. I'm sure it's not just me that work is doing a number on. I think everyone is feeling about the same way right now. Everyone is busting their butts and bending over backwards for the patients, and it still feels like we are all unappreciated.
The doctors are doing the best they can to see all the patients in an appropriate amount of time and get them out of the ER, wether it be by discharge or admission. Although there seems to be more admits than there are discharges. And that doesn't help the crisis of there being no beds anywhere in the hospital. Sometimes it seems like we could use more than two doctors, but that isn't the problem. The doctors get to all the patients, it's the patients not getting up to the floors that is the problem.
The nurses are exhausted. They are going well over their nurse to patient ratio. Especially when more than half the patients in the ER are critical. Some days we could definately use a few extra nurses, but administration doesn't want to approve the over time for the people who actually don't mind coming in to help out. They would much rather have us work with a skeleton crew. Sometimes I wonder if they find it funny? Well, it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Wether it be a nurse or a patient. And most likely it'll be a nurse. Because if a nurse gets hurt, they still won't care. We all know that if something bad happened to a patient, then something would be done about the staffing issue, and the nurse responsible for that patient would, of course, be punished regardless of the situation.
And lastly, the ER techs. Which would be me. We are tired! We are not assigned to specific patients. We have the entire department! We are responsible for checking the airway carts, IV carts, EKG machines, checking oxygen tanks, checking sharps boxes, stocking supplies in all the rooms, stocking linens, stocking fast track, and stocking triage. And along with our own list of things to do, we have to do everything that nurses don't feel like doing or don't have time to do. We constantly have to clean up after people, plug machines in so the batteries don't die. Lately, two or three techs on the floor, just isn't cutting it! We can't keep up with everyone's demands!
I really can't wait til I graduate, become an RN, get my required amount of experience, and can finally apply to medflight! Sigh.
Dual Polarity Power Supply
3 months ago
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