I am slacking with this blog, big time! These summer classes keep me insanely busy! Keeping up with A&P II seems almost impossible. I'm not doing nearly as well as I'd like, but some how I am managing to keep my head above water. I did great on the first exam. The exam I didn't know about until ten minutes before class when one of my classmates mentioned that he thought we had an exam that day. I pulled out the class outline and sure enough.. exam 1. I just about fainted when I read that! I hadn't studied for it at all. So I pulled out my notes and briefly went through whatever I could before it was time to actually take the exam. I don't know how I did it, but I was able to pull a 92.5 out of my butt! And my teacher gave us a chance for extra credit to bring our exam grades up a few points. Whatever questions we got wrong, we were able to correct them for half the points of whatever the questions were worth. But we also had to give a small explanation as to why or how our new answer is the correct one. So I was able to bring my grade up to a 95.
Recently, we just had our first lab practical. I was pretty sure that I had failed it, but then again I say or think that about every quiz, test, or exam that I take. We got our grades back a few days ago. I didn't fail it, but I'm not exactly thrilled with my grade. Sure an 82.5 is still passing... but it's not an A. It's not what I am used to. I was told yesterday at work by one of the nurses that I need to get over it (being upset with my grade) real quick. At first I was kind of angered by what was said to me, but the more I thought about it, the more she was right. I can't keep dwelling on every so-so grade that I get. I need to accept it, move on, and try harder next time.
Dual Polarity Power Supply
4 months ago
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