I started my morning off in the usual way. I don't think I need to explain that routine anymore. All that's necessary is the beautiful morning snap shot.
Today, we learned about ambulation and mobility. A physical therapist joined us for lab and demostrated how to move patients, get them out of bed, how to use a wheelchair, etc. For me, this was torture. I have been doing it for nine years now while working at the hospital. I understand, some people have little to no healthcare experience, and they do need to learn this stuff. My level of frustration is increasing already. I know I will regret saying this, but, I am ready for a challenge. Possibly due to my eagerness to learn or my determination to succeed? Whatever the case may be, I am ready for new knowledge.
As far as the reading assignment.. it's brutal. I have been reading my textbook outloud to the dogs. I have even used different voices in an attempt to make it a little more interesting. However, all three dogs fell asleep despite my attempts at being their comedic relief.
I'm starting to remind myself of my father. Back in the day, when my sister and I were very young, my dad's idea of a bedtime story was reading his civil engineering books to us. I'm already going crazy and it's only day two. Sigh.
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