Today is beautiful. Since the storm yesterday, things have returned to normal, atleast in my neck of the woods. As I stepped outside, coffee in hand, I looked around. No houses were damaged, no trees down, and no flooding. The guy who lives across the street is carrying on with his self owned business, the flowers along the driveway are soaking in the sun, the cars are once again flying relentlessly up and down the street, the once colorless sky is as blue as blue can be, and the beautiful American flag in the neighbor's yard continues to fly with pride. It's kind of crazy. I sit down here every morning and all I ever notice is the sunrise and how spectacular it is.. or isn't. This morning is different. I am noticing everything around me that is beautiful. And I am realizing that everything around me, simply put, is life. I get it now. Life is beautiful. Maybe it took the threat of a hurricane to teach me this. But at the same time, the words of a life long friend from down south, Miss Julie, keep ringing in the back of my mind. She has been keeping up with me, and my hectic life, by reading my blog. (I guess more people read this darn thing than I thought). She sent me a message a few days ago. I haven't replied to her yet because every time I try to, I end up reading her words over and over again. And every time I attempt a reply, I can't find the words. She has inspired me and I feel as though my words won't have the same affect on her. I hope she won't mind, but I feel compelled to share her words. I hope that they can bring you the same inspiration that they brought me.
"Hello Stacie
Sounds like you are stressing out to the max hon. Nursing school is a great choice for you as it will allow you to share some of that love in your big heart with many people who need it. It is ALOT of work! It may seem overwhelming right now. Take one thing at a time and trust that it will get you through.
I am very proud of the young woman I have seen you become...if even from a distance. I have Faith that you will make it through nursing school and become an amazing nurse. Stacie....someday ...when life slows down a bit....I think you may want to consider writting as well. You have a beautiful way with words! Your Blog speaks from heart to heart!
I am going to ask you a more thing to add to your already full days. I would like you to take a few extra moments each day to remember that getting to your goals is actually as important as reaching them. The journey and how we make it there and what we learn from it make up our memories. Enjoy the friends you meet, the support from Tony, the cuddles from the pups and each of those morning sunrises with coffee. Know these are all gifts in your open them with relish! Ask God to help with the stress....the workload....and just do the best you can!
It will be enough and will be your thankyou gift each day to God!
Don't worry....Be Happy girl!
Love you
Miss Julie"
Dual Polarity Power Supply
4 months ago
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