I was finally able to attend a study group yesterday, which was beyond helpful. Having to work twelve hour shifts every other weekend really hinders my ability to participate in such things. So I was more than thrilled when Robyn opened her home to all of us.
Last night, my boys decided to take turns playing their own version of 'Where's Waldo' with me. If they could name their game, I think they would probably call it 'Mama you can't see me' or something close to that nature.

And today is the day after the ten year anniversary of 09/11. And today we will return to normal and go about our business.. just like almost all of us did ten years ago. The exception being New York who began picking up the pieces the next day. The rest of us went to work, went to school, or went to wherever it was that we needed to be. Are we the only country who does that after every disaster that touches our beautiful land? We did it even with hurricane Irene. Unless of course you were a part of the unfortunate ones who had pieces to pick up. Don't get me wrong, we are huge on helping eachother clean up after any and every disaster, but we all have that "It is what it is and life goes on" kind of attitude. We, Americans, are pretty damn strong. It blows my mind. I am proud to call this country my home.
It's my turn now, to return to normal, go about my business, and head off to school.
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