Tony and I went up to Maine, over the weekend, to attend the funeral for his great grandmother. It was so nice to see his family again, although the circumstances weren't the greatest. However, I was more than relieved to come back home.
This is a story that I don't recall ever blogging about. Last summer, we had Tony's brother and sister-in-law move in with us. There are more job opportunities down here and we wanted to help them get up on their feet, especially since they had a baby on the way. It was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made. We only asked that they pitch in $100 for rent and help with the cost of groceries. Out of the three months they spent with us, they pitched in once. I felt bad because Everett was the only one working out of the two of them. Sarah's statement when it came to not having a job, "I can't work. I have an excuse, I'm pregnant." Instead, she sat around all day, every day and did absolutely nothing. Tony and I were both in school and working (just as we are still doing) and we never had a heck of a lot of time to cook. So we made a lot of pasta. It's quick, easy, and cheap. I tried to be courteous of Sarah's pregnancy related heart burn and never mixed any sauces with the pasta so she could eat it plain or put whatever she could tolerate on it. Apparently that wasn't good enough. She began complaining about everything I made for dinner, yet she would never take the initiative and cook anything that she wanted. The two of them never helped with any of the dishes, except for dirtying them. We let them use some of our towels for showers and such. When they were done using them, they never washed them with their own laundry. Instead, they would leave them on the bathroom floor expecting me to pick them up and wash them. One day, they needed to do laundry and there was a load of towels still in the dryer that I didn't have a chance to bring up stairs. One of them brought the towels up, since they needed to use the dryer, and dumped them on the couch, leaving them there for me to fold. I waited three days to see if they would do it. Of course they didn't. Instead, they just pushed them around on the couch to make room so they could sit. At one point, I had worked a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and went to school Monday after work. I got home around 10pm (still in my work uniform) and both sections of the sink were over flowing with dirty dishes. As I exhausted myself even further, doing the dishes so that I could have room to make dinner, the two of them sat on the couch, watching TV and laughing. Never once did they even offer to help me. They left lights on all the time, in the middle of the day. When I explained to them that they didn't have to pay the electric bill and politely asked them to turn the lights off, I got the door slammed in my face. If I'm not a diva in my own apartment then one else is going to be.

Around this time, last year, I snapped. I ended up kicking them out. It was a decision that I do not regret, at all. Since then, they have moved back up north and they still haven't apologized. They have no problem mooching off of anyone they can and that's obvious because they currently live with Tony's parents and don't have jobs. And somehow, according to Sarah, I'm the horrible person. She continues to cause drama throughout Tony's family and it breaks my heart that his parents choose to put up with all the crap that we went through with then. My thoughts on the whole thing.. Karma is one wretched bitch and what goes around comes around. They'll get what's coming to them and I'm okay with that.