Friday, October 7, 2011

I am spirited. I am strong. I am a survivor.

During the summer, I was determined to find some decorations for our empty walls. I stumbled across the above plaque for an amazing $2 deal.  It has become one of my favorite pieces.  It has become part of my routine.  I read it every morning before I walk out the door.  My life (especially the last five years) has been quite the emotional roller coaster for me.  The 'ups' and 'downs' have helped me grow so much.  I have realized that no matter how far down the 'downs' will bring me, I will always find the strength to get back up and rise above it all.  I feel as though I have the life experiences of someone who is twice my age.  At 15 years old, death became a normal part of my life.  I experienced the first loss of a friend.  Since then, I have attended at least three funerals every year.  I was married at 21 and seeing my husband off to a war for 432 days.  Last year, I took the initiative and offered to help carry my great aunt to her final resting place.  I have helped save lives.  I have held hands with people as they took their last breath.  I have given hope to people as they walk the fine line between life and death.  I stand strong for everyone around me when all I want to do is break down and cry.
~I am spirited.  I am strong.  I am a survivor.~

1 comment:

  1. And I am inlove with a spirited, strong survivor... your the greatest friend a man could ever ask for... thanks for being mine.
