I never thought that I would see the end of this semester. It couldn't come fast enough. Today I have my A&P lab practical and final exam. It has been stressing me out more than I have realized. My husband was kind enough to point it out to me a few days ago.. and again this morning. When I stopped to think about it, he is absolutely right. I have been snapping at him and biting his head off over minute things. Things that I would normally laugh about. I know that it's no excuse.. but look at everything I have been through the last couple months. My Pepere passed away, I found out my Aunt Marie is dying, and then my Papa ends up in my ER in really rough shape.. all while working 40 hours a week and going to school. It has really done a number on me emotionally and mentally. But atleast my hair has stopped falling out!.. or maybe it hasn't.. but either way I'm ending this semester with what appears to be a full head of hair. Bonus!
I can't wait to have two weeks off from school! That's right. Only two weeks and not the entire summer. I signed up for another two classes. Human Growth & Development and A&P II. I am hoping that if I take A&P II right after A&P I, while everything is (hopefully) still fresh in my mind that it might make the class a tad bit easier. I guess I'll find out soon!!
Dual Polarity Power Supply
3 months ago
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