I just found out my final grades in A&P I and Statistics. In A&P I needed a total of 930 points (out of 1,000) to get an A. My final grade of 961 points has made me more than happy! I passed Stats with a B+. I was kind of hoping to get atleast an A- but I suppose a B+ isn't so bad considering I had to teach myself the material the entire semester. These grades have given me a 3.65 GPA. I'm not thrilled about it since I was able to maintain a 3.8 GPA when I was attending Hesser. But then again I didn't have the stress that I do now... back then my husband was deployed.. which I suppose that doesn't make sense either because a deployment as a newlywed is beyond stressful.
I have two whole weeks off from school before my summer classes start. You would think that I'd enjoy the time off, but instead I have already started looking at the next few chapters for A&P II and I have even started labeling the diagrams in my lab book for those chapters. I want to be ahead of the game. I want a higher GPA. I want a better job. I want to be a medflight nurse. I want to be great at what I'm good at!
Dual Polarity Power Supply
3 months ago
You are great at everything you put your mind into... you really need to stop thinking otherwise, you are seriously great in general don't ever let anyone make you think otherwise...