Friday, July 16, 2010

no more quizzes

I didn't make it to class last night thanks to my lovely immune system that is constantly letting me down. I've been sick since the begining of the week and continued to go to work and school. I didn't give myself enough time to rest. I sent my teacher a last minute email a couple hours before class started. I'm sure she'll understand. She has two little kids at home and I'm sure she wouldn't want to bring my germs home to them.
Tuesday night my A&PII teacher gave us some good news. No more quizzes! And if we do have any more they will be take home quizzes. But we still have our exam this up coming Tuesday. Sigh.

Friday, July 9, 2010

taking the bad to get the good

Recently I had two papers to write for my human growth and development class (HG&D). My teacher allows us to use resources, whether it's the news, magazines, internet, or encyclopedia. However, with this class, resources are not my style. She told us in the begining that the class will be about opinions. And people who know me well enough know just how opinionated I am or can be. The first paper we got to choose one topic out of the four she gave us. None of them really interested me, but I ended up going with "Having two parents is always better than having one." We had to agree or disagree with whatever topic we chose. I pulled off an A- with that paper. At the bottom of my essay she wrote, "Resources?" I'm assuming that's why I got the A- and not an A, but I wrote my paper strictly based on my own thoughts and perspectives. I was tempted to question my grade, but then I realized that after my B- lab practical, an A- is acceptable. The second paper we had to choose a side. "Do parents matter more than peers?" This one was easy for me. And once again I based it on my own opinions as well as my own life experiences. I'm thinking that my own life experiences is what got me an A. I'm still not happy with my lab practical grade. But, if I have to get one so-so grade to get two good grades, I guess I can live with that.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

try harder next time

I am slacking with this blog, big time! These summer classes keep me insanely busy! Keeping up with A&P II seems almost impossible. I'm not doing nearly as well as I'd like, but some how I am managing to keep my head above water. I did great on the first exam. The exam I didn't know about until ten minutes before class when one of my classmates mentioned that he thought we had an exam that day. I pulled out the class outline and sure enough.. exam 1. I just about fainted when I read that! I hadn't studied for it at all. So I pulled out my notes and briefly went through whatever I could before it was time to actually take the exam. I don't know how I did it, but I was able to pull a 92.5 out of my butt! And my teacher gave us a chance for extra credit to bring our exam grades up a few points. Whatever questions we got wrong, we were able to correct them for half the points of whatever the questions were worth. But we also had to give a small explanation as to why or how our new answer is the correct one. So I was able to bring my grade up to a 95.
Recently, we just had our first lab practical. I was pretty sure that I had failed it, but then again I say or think that about every quiz, test, or exam that I take. We got our grades back a few days ago. I didn't fail it, but I'm not exactly thrilled with my grade. Sure an 82.5 is still passing... but it's not an A. It's not what I am used to. I was told yesterday at work by one of the nurses that I need to get over it (being upset with my grade) real quick. At first I was kind of angered by what was said to me, but the more I thought about it, the more she was right. I can't keep dwelling on every so-so grade that I get. I need to accept it, move on, and try harder next time.