Thursday, May 19, 2011

Officially a nerd

I constantly get teased by my friends and/or coworkers about being a nerd due to the fact that I stress so much about my grades. Of course it's all in good fun and I never take offense to it. However, this new astigmatism friend of mine has forced me to need new glasses that I now must wear more often. So not only do I act like a nerd, but now I look like one too.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm falling apart

Today I had a physical with my primary care doctor. I don't normally go for routine physical exams, however, it is a requirement in order to attend nursing school this fall. My doctor and I didn't have much to talk about considering I'm a healthy person for the most part, but I did fill him in on my upcoming appointment with the specialist in Boston. I explained to him what has been going on for the past three years and he asked me if my OB had sent me for blood work to check my hormone levels. Of course he never did that. Why would he send me for blood work when he's done nothing but blow me off for the last three years?? So my doc gave me the order to have some blood work done to check my LH, FSH, and Prolactin levels.
After my physical, the next stop was to the eye doctor since my last visit there was about eight years ago. I picked the worst day to go there. It was their first day of going live with the EMR (electronic medical records). No one had a clue what they were doing. My husband and I were there for over two hours only to find out that I have an astigmatism in my right eye. So I'm guessing that is why I see big white spots when reading my textbooks and why I am constantly getting headaches. I always thought that it was stress related. Ever since I started going back to school, I have started falling apart!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Last week was the last week of spring semester. So of course my anxiety level had been through the roof since then, up until this morning. Final grades were just posted. I passed French with an A and Intro to Sociology with an A- which brought my GPA from a 3.66 back up to a 3.7 again! Some people think I am crazy for worrying so much about my grades, but I would like to graduate with my PTK status. My mom did it and I know that if I can do the same it will make her all the more proud of me. I have disappointed my parents too much in the past and I am determined to make up for it all.