Monday, April 8, 2013

Resolution has been achieved

I will be graduating with my maiden name. After hearing my "in a nutshell" life story, the woman in the registrar's office told me that she would make sure that it gets changed it on my diploma!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Never again

Just got my paper work in the mail, signed by the judge. As of March 28th I've been officially divorced.. two days before the one year of me living in my car.  I'm never getting married again. Yes, I'm jaded.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

One last physical

At the beginning of this semester, my instructors briefly made mention that they encourage us to book personal observations while we are still students and still have that opportunity. I wouldn't have taken them seriously had I not marched in the office of the nursing chair and confessed how bored I was with everything and begged to do just one clinical day in the emergency room.  That's when she started putting ideas in my head. My first choice was, of course, to do a fly along on a chopper. Then I decided that I'll have plenty of time for that since it's what I want to do with my nursing career. I do have an underlying love for forensics. Before trauma came into my life, I used to want to be some sort of forensic nurse. I can work with that. So, I booked an autopsy and got to see FOUR cases! I'm pretty sure I have some sort of post traumatic something, but it was still cool as hell!