Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I can barely move this morning! My back hurts in the worst way! I am sure that I didn't hurt it at work and that it is only muscular. I am comfortable as long as I don't move. But the moment I try to do something, the pain is horrible! I'm not quite sure if I just over exerted myself this weekend at work or if it has something to do with my backpack that weighs almost as much as I do! The damn thing weighs in at 10 pounds!! And people are wondering why I'm losing weight!! Going to school is a work out and a half!! Not to mention all the stress that's been piling up for me the last few weeks! If one more person has the nerve to ask me if I've lost weight, they just may get a punch in the face! I'm sorry if my first priority isn't food! Although I suppose eating at least breakfast would be a good idea. Lately, I find myself going to bed hungry, waking up starving, and that most likely, the noises that I hear while I'm driving to work in the morning, is my stomach devouring every last internal organ I own! By the time I get to work and start running around, I forget how hungry I was before I got there. Sometimes I don't remember until I start shaking and feel like I'm going to pass out. And other times I just don't remember to eat at all! By the time I get home, there's dishes, laundry, or studying to be done. Those take precedence. But nine times out of ten, I don't have the energy to do the dishes or the laundry, so sitting my butt on the couch with a school book in my lap becomes priority. On school day mornings, I wake up early to get some more studying done, but I'm still exhausted from not allowing myself to sleep in. I'm even too tired to make a fresh pot of coffee, so instead, I fill a mug up with left over coffee from yesterday morning and stick in the microwave. Gross. I know. But to be completely honest, I really don't care. However I can get my caffeine fix is good enough for me. Back to the couch I go with my reheated java, waiting until I'm awake enough to get some last minute cramming in before school. By the time I am fully awake I can usually get in a good three hours. Then I shower and head off to class until 8:30ish PM. By the time I get home it's about 9PM. Sometimes later than that depending what time A&P finishes. And once again, I'm far too tired and my brain is far beyond fried to want to do anything but plop down on the couch and not move a muscle. And the monotonous cycle just keeps going and going and going...

1 comment:

  1. Stacie, you must take time to refuel your body. I don't have to tell you how unhealthy it is to go to bed without refueling your body. Please take the time to eat something in the morning and evening, even if it is only a meal replacement shake in the morning and energy bars during the day. But at night you must eat a solid meal. I am sure your wonderful husband is willing to prepare meals for you. Good luck and keep us informed.
